Presale Form

Token BSHcoin


Total Supply:
Token Burnt:
Start Burn:
End Burn:
Circulating Supply:


0 (0%)
1 mln
200tyś. (80%)
50 000


1. Go through our Beginner's Tutorial.
2. The minimum purchase amount is 150 BSHcoins.
3. Transfer the amount in USDC for which you want to buy BSH. Our wallet address: 0x3642C844653a091eBc536802c6cc53A21BdC81af
4. Then fill out the purchase form below. Without filling out the form, you will not receive BSHcoins!
5. Within 30 days, we will send BSHcoins to your wallet from which you transferred USDC.

Helpful Information:
1. If you want to remain anonymous, fill out the form using the encrypted TOR browser.
2. Remember to account for the transaction fee on the Ethereum network.
3. If you encounter any issues, use the (contact form)

Why We Created BSHcoin and Its Applications?

Bestsofthouse, which draws its operational model from decentralized organizations, needs a reliable medium of information and value. Using known and already established tokens would imply dependence on other ecosystems, which would introduce additional risk factors and costs. To avoid these issues, we are implementing our own token – BSHcoin, an ERC-20 token with wide applications within the company.

As a software house implementing AI and WEB 3.0 solutions, we should utilize this technology ourselves, as proof of the benefits it brings. The BSHcoin token is primarily used as an equivalent to shares, allowing us to accurately value the company. It enables better strategic decision-making by listening to our investors who have placed their trust in us.

BSHcoin is also one of the options for financing Bestsofthouse's investments at strategically opportune moments. The token also provides the team with profit in the form of 1/10 of 0.5% of the total token turnover. The team, management, and founders of Bestsofthouse have never received and will never receive tokens for free. If they possess any, it is the result of their individual purchasing decisions.

❶ 2% commission on every transaction:
- 1% is burned, ensuring token deflation.
- 0.5% is distributed to the top 10 holders.
- 0.5% is stored in a separate wallet in USDC and will be used for buy-backs of tokens from the market.

❷ Real crowdfunding applications at strategic moments and the buyback of borrowed tokens from the market using part of the generated profits.

❸ Real investor impact on the project through DAO surveys.

❹ Proof of the utility of blockchain technology and its real application in the economy.

TOP 10 Holders

A 2% commission is charged on every transaction made with BSHcoin. 0.5% is stored in a separate wallet and allocated for dividends for the top 10 holders. Dividends are paid out once a year.

Crowdfunding Token

The token will serve as a means of raising capital for investments at strategically appropriate moments. We will partially buy back tokens on the open market using the profits generated in this way.

Deflationary Token

A 2% commission is charged on every transaction made with BSHcoin. 1% is automatically burned, ensuring deflation. By reducing the number of tokens in circulation, all holders benefit.

Influence on the Project

The amount of tokens and the duration of holding are measures of an investor's reputation. Reputation is the strength of voice in future DAO surveys. Your vote impacts the project.